Cheap flight ticket from Hanoi to Moscow in May
Have you got any plans for this May? If not, a trip in Moscow will give you a great experience. Book VietAIR's best flight tickets from Hanoi to Moscow in May to fully enjoy this trip.
Air fares from Hanoi to Moscow have been updated below.
1. Best flight fares from Hanoi to Moscow in May, June and July
The best round-trip air fare (USD) |
May |
363 |
June |
340 |
July |
362 |
Note: Ticket prices do not include taxes, fees and only for 1 adult.
Click on the ticket booking button in the table to easily save the best flight ticket from Hanoi to Moscow in May. Go to the airport about 2 hours in advance to complete the check-in procedure.
2. Famous places in Moscow
Moscow is a beautiful fairytale picture, with many famous places.

Red Square
It is considered as the heart of the city of Moscow, where there are many legendary buildings associated with Russian history. This famous landmark is also a UNESCO world heritage site, it has the characteristic beauty of Russian culture with outstanding red color.
Church of St. Basil
A popular tourist destination in the Russian capital, it is located south of Red Square. The convenient location with unique architecture makes this church a destination chosen by many tourists. This attraction will definitely give you more surprises.
Museum of round paintings
The museum has a very unique name. This building is a place to commemorate the bloodiest battle in Russian history. The museum is divided into 3 zones:
- Main zone: describes war events between Russia and France (1812)
- Area "Kutuzov hut": here depicts the scene of the meeting between generals and burning itself later.
- The museum displays heroic statues of the Soviet Union to commemorate the patriotic tradition of the Russian people in fierce battles.
There are many other interesting places in Moscow waiting for you to discover. Quickly hunt for cheap international tickets and prepare luggage for your trip to Russia
3. VietAIR supports customers to book cheap flights from Hanoi to Moscow
To get a cheap flight ticket from Hanoi to Moscow in May, in addition to learning about the Russian capital, making a specific travel schedule and do not forget to book an early flight ticket at VietAir.

As one of the pioneering agents in the field of ticketing, VietIR has been developing more and more businesses to serve its customers with the best services at affordable prices.
Book flights 2 months in advance for more promotions and more offers. Tracking information is updated at VietAIR's website.
Accompanying VietAIR to get the best cheap tickets not only for flights from Hanoi to Mosow in May, but also many other attractive tickets. Follow us on the website, fanpage to get the most useful information soon.
>>>> See more: Air fare from Hanoi to Moscow in June
Contact information with VietAIR agent: - Website: - Hotline: 1900 1796 - Email: - Head office: 1st floor, Chelsea Park building, 116 Trung Kinh, Yen Hoa, Cau Giay, Hanoi. - Other offices: + Office in Saigon: Ground floor of Tuan Minh building, No. 21 Huynh Tinh Cua, Ward 8, District 3, HCM + Office in Hanoi: 1st Floor, No. 23 Giang Vo, Dong Da, Hanoi Working time: Monday to Saturday: 7:00 to 23:00 |